Donald Trump in cimawh dongtuak te huhnading in ama ipsungpan $1 million piakhia
USA gamsung ah Hurricane Harvey huihpi guahpi in nawkgawp ahih manin, tulaitak cimawh dongtuak tammahmah hi. Tua cimawh dongtuak te huhnadingin President Donald Trump in ama ipsung panin huhnasum $1 million piakhiading cih White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in genkhia hi.
Tua sumte pen kumpi neihsa sum hizenzenlo a, President Donald Trump in ama ipsung, ama neihsa panin huhna apiakkhiatding ahihi. Texas State leh Louisiana State sungteng ah cimawh dongtuak te huhnadingin in apiakkhiat hi ci’n Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders in Reporters te tungah genkhia hi.
Donald Trump inzong ama Twitter Account tungah Photo khat khahkhia in, biakna tuamtuam panin cimawh dongtuak te ahuhding in akuankhia masa te thu angetkhop laitak ahihi.
Hangsantak in cimawh dongtuak te ahuhding in akithawikhia United States muntuamtuam pan First Responders leh Volunteers te tungah lungdam mahmah hi ci’n gelhkhia hi.
Hurricane Harvey huihpi guahpi pen ahuaisia mahmahkhat in akigen hi a, President Donald Trump inzong kum 500 ciang khatvei apiang “once in 500 year flood” ci’n pulakkhia hi.
Donald Trump ngiatzong Texas State sungah Tuesday ni in cimawh dongtuak te avanding in zinkhia hi. Ahi zongin kikawmna hamsatna Logistics leh Security Concern hangin Flood Zone taktak te ah paitheilo cihi.
Hih Hurricane Harvey tuahsiatna tungtawn ah President Donald Trump bekthamlo, US gamsung ah Celebrity miminthang tuamtuam te’nzong huhna piakhia ziahziah uhhi. (Ih gammakai te amau nektawmding tawh buaikei henla, sumhau tata, mipil tata in hong makaih in, akisapna ah amau ipsungpan in hongpiakhia ziauziauleh noptuak hi)
Video: “Trump Will Personally Donate 1 Million Dollars To Hurricane Harvey” Sarah Sanders Shocks Reporters
Tuciangciang huhna apiakhia Celebrity tepen anuai abang ahihi.
- Sandra Bullock: $1 million to the American Red Cross
- Leonardo DiCaprio: $1 million to the new United Way Harvey Recovery Fund
- Miley Cyrus: $500,000 to the American Red Cross, Best Friends, the Greater Houston Community Fund and other charities
- The Kardashian family: $250,000 each to the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army
- Country singer Chris Young: $100,000 to the American Red Cross
- Kevin Hart: $50,000 to the American Red Cross
- Supernatural star Jensen Ackles: $50,000 to Random Acts
- The Chainsmokers: $30,000 to the American Red Cross
- Ellen DeGeneres: $25,000 to the American Red Cross and SPCA Texas
- D.J. Khaled: $25,000 to the American Red Cross
- Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson: $25,000 to the American Red Cross
- Jennifer Lopez: $25,000 to the American Red Cross
- Alex Rodriguez: $25,000 to the American Red Cross
- Wendy Williams: $25,000 to the American Red Cross
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